Infant Head/Neck Disorders


 Also known as "Positional Plagiocephaly", Flat Head Syndrome is a flattening of one or both sides of the head due to constant pressure acting on the skull.

It happens very quickly, especially within the first 3 months of life, when the skull is still malleable and the head and brain are growing fast.  During this time baby spends long hours sleeping and lying on his/her back.

If your baby's head stays in the same position for long periods of time, the areas of the skull lying against the surface may become flattened.

In infants less than 6 months of age, counter-positioning techniques, taught by a physiotherapist, are effective in returning the head to a more normal shape.  Helmet therapy is suitable for babies above 6 months and/or with more severe asymmetries.

Prevention is the Best Therapy!

Uretsky Physiotherapy performs paediatric consults for the following conditions:

  • Plagiocephaly/Brachiocephaly (Flat Head Syndrome)

  • Prevention of Plagiocephaly

  • Torticollis (Wry Neck)

You have up to 2 years to change your baby's head shape.  Mild to moderate flattening can be improved by strict positional therapy.  Severe flattening will require orthotic treatment, such as a helmet and will need to be assessed by a head-shape clinic.

Consultations involve measuring your baby's head and determining treatment required.  Treatment involves educating parent's/caregivers on how to prevent Plagiocephaly (flat head) from occurring or how to minimize and even reverse any flattening present.  If there are tight and/or weak neck muscles present, appropriate stretching and strengthening exercises will be taught.

Treatments may include acupuncture, IMS, myofacial cupping, K-tape and individualized treatment plans.